This email comes as a forewarning of a circulating sophisticated scam (phishing) email from a sender claiming to be FIATA from the PayPal payment system (email address service@intl.paypal.com), asking for payment to be made to FIATA for membership fees.
Please note that this is NOT an email sent by FIATA, and is a scam email. FIATA does not use PayPal as a payment system for membership fees.
Please ignore this email and ensure you do not follow through with any of the requests in the email.
Members are also asked to remain vigilant with regards to other scam emails circulating at present. Another phishing email has been sent from the sender catherine.alen@leadscross.com, posing as a client who is sharing participant lists from the 2021 FIATA World Congress in Brussels. As our members know, there was no such Congress in 2021, and this email can safely be discarded as spam.
If you identify an email as a phishing attempt, don’t click on any link, don’t open any attachment and don’t answer to the email. In case of doubt, contact FIATA and forward the email at info@fiata.org.
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